The Erasmus+ Artskul project proposes an innovative new service offering that uses performance art disciplines including; music, drama and storytelling to build a suite of embedded learning educations resources to build the key transversal skills of low skilled adults. In a pedagogical context, the performing arts of storytelling, drama and music have faded into the background and are rarely now considered as appropriate techniques for key competence building. However, in the current context, with the low levels of literacy and numeracy within the marginalised adult population, activities like storytelling, drama and music workshops could be considered as effective techniques to help overcome social and cultural barriers and build key competences among the marginalised adult communities. With this intention the Artskul project will develop a compendium of resources to support the reintegration of adults through using a toolkit of embedded resources to build the basic skills as well as a digital training framework to support adults to record the storytelling, drama and music performances that emerge as a result of their engagement during the project life cycle.